Garden Plant: Canada Red Select Cherry
Product Description: Canada Red Select Cherry
Wildlife Plant Canada Red Select Cherry Shrub
- Extremely Hardy Flowering Cherry Shrub
- Foliage Emerges Green in Spring, then Turns Colorful, Reddish-Purple
- Fragrant, Small, White Spring Flowers
- Tiny Red Chokecherries Feed Birds
- Nice Uniform Growth Habit
- Drought Tolerant
- Adaptable
- Use as a Large Shrub or Tree
- 4 Seasons of Interest
With a native range in the upper half of the United States and much of Canada, Canada Red Select Cherry (Prunus virginiana \’Shubert Select’) is a low-maintenance wildlife plant. It looks incredible all year-long.
You’ll feel good about this drought tolerant choice. It provides nectar, food, shelter for butterflies, birds and chipmunks.
Canada Red Select Cherry is also a remarkably beautiful shrub in every season. With a pyramidal to oval habit, the uniform canopy and branch structure looks amazing with a covering of white snow.
In spring, a massive cloud of fragrant blooms appear as 6-inch long racemes of delicate, white flowers. This is a dependable springtime show, and they’ll cover the branch tips each spring without fail.
Finely-toothed, shiny leaves emerge bright green in the spring after the flowers. They age to a deep shade of purple and remain this knockout shade for the rest of the growing season. The fall foliage deepens up even more, and adds some orange and red tones.
Tiny, tart, dark chokecherries develop from the flowers and decorate the shrub in long, drooping clusters. They add a showy ornamental display.
These deep purple-red cherries were once a staple food of Native Americans and settlers. Now, avid wildcrafters use them for jam and wine with careful preparation to remove the seeds. Don’t forget to add honey or sugar to sweeten them up.
As you might imagine, the chokecherries are also highly attractive to birds and other wildlife. They will flock to this plant later in summer as the fruit ripens.
This waterwise shrub is adaptable to a variety of conditions and extreme cold. It will even tolerate poor soils.
Canada Red Select Cherry is an outstanding chokecherry variety. You’ll enjoy a huge boost of visual interest, for very little ongoing care once it is established in your landscape.
How to Use Canada Red Select Cherry in the Landscape
This useful plant is pretty enough to be used in a prime spot on your property. Place it front and center near the picture window, or use it as an accent next to your front door.
Let it grace your patio plantings, or repeat it along the length of your mixed shrub border. It makes a wonderful backdrop, and helps bring birds to your garden.
Canada Red Select Cherry is a deciduous shrub with both beauty and fruit to recommend it. Plant these for a lovely, informal hedge along your property line, garage or outbuilding.
The spacing for a solid screen is 5 feet apart on center. Measure from the center of one plant to the center of the next.
These are no hothouse beauties. They are cold hardy all the way up into Canada, after all.
Include them on the sunny side of your windbreaks and shelterbelts to boost the visual appeal. You’ll love the look of the deep foliage, and the yummy smell of the blossoms in springtime.
Canada Red Select Cherry is a nice choice to add to a permaculture setting or wildlife landscape. It looks great and works hard for you all year-long.
This is a shrub-form of Canada Red Select, but it’s easy enough to create a beautiful specimen tree with a little selective pruning. First, decide if you want to keep one main trunk, or multiple stems.
Choose the strongest, thickest stems to remain. Next. remove the lowest branches to elevate the canopy. Keep it pruned up over the course of the next few years to train it.
How proud You’ll be of this beautiful addition to your landscape!
Pro Plant Tips for Care
Plant in full sun. You’ll get the best results if the plant receives at least 6 hours of direct sunlight a day.
It requires well-drained soils to thrive. If your soil holds water, create a raised planting bed to improve drainage.
While your plant is young, please provide a moderate amount of water on a regular basis. Give a thick layer of mulch over the top of the root system. Once it becomes established in your landscape, it will become quite drought tolerant.
Prune in late winter, as needed. Remove crossing or broken branches to open the canopy to sunlight and air circulation.
This special plant deserves a spot in your yard. Order Canada Red Select Cherry shrub from the expert growers today. You’ll be so pleased with it!