Garden Plant: Cabernet Splash Blueberry

Cabernet Splash Blueberry Garden Plant

Cabernet Splash Blueberry

Product Description: Cabernet Splash Blueberry

Cabernet Splash Blueberry Order Options

Dramatic Foliage Cabernet Splash Blueberry

  • Northern Highbush
  • Early Mid-Season Harvest
  • Award-Winning, Ornamental Blueberry Bush
  • Abundant Fruit Set
  • Excellent Fruit Quality, Tastes Like Toro Blueberry
  • Incredible, Wine-Dark Spring Foliage Ages to Green for Summer
  • Lovely, White, Bell-Shaped Flowers
  • Vibrant Red Fall Foliage
  • Compact, Upright Growth Habit
  • Great in Containers
  • Self-Pollinating

Compact, new plants are coming to market that offer homeowners color and a smaller size that fits modern lots. But how many gorgeous plants also give you and your family an abundance of superfruit?

Now, you won’t need to choose between ornamental and fruiting plants. Cabernet Splash Blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum \’VacBri1\’) is a four-season, ornamental edible plant.

This spectacular variety is a sport of the popular \’Toro’ Blueberry. You’ll enjoy a prolific crop of high quality fruit in early mid-season. If you are interested in tips on easily growing blueberries!

In spring, amazing, dark-purple foliage adds drama to kick off the new season. As the season progresses, the leaves age to mottled, dark-green and finally finish with a fiery fall color display.

This is an outstanding variety to add to your Edible Landscape. These are very attractive landscape shrubs with dark, leathery, purple foliage, showy spring flowers, beautiful berries and excellent red fall color.

It works beautifully as a “Thriller” in containers, too. You’ll find many places to add this beautiful plant. Consider them for very thoughtful gifts to all the health-conscious people in your life!

Our expert growers deliver to landscape designers across the country. Allow us to thrill you with the high-impact good looks of the Cabernet Splash. You’ll thank us with every bite of the incredible fruit.

Order today!

How to Use Cabernet Splash Blueberry in the Landscape

Try this small, fruiting shrub as a single specimen or go big with a mass planting. You’ll love the look!

They make excellent low hedges and very modern foundation plants. Go ahead and make the neighbors jealous!

Try it as a small accent shrub. The deep-purple foliage color is the perfect backdrop to the white spring flowers.

Watch as the blooms eventually develop into masses of tasty, purple blueberries. The purple foliage color mellows to a soft green washed with red wine color.

Stand back in the fall when the foliage then transforms into a brilliant red as good as any Burning Bush gets!

Plant it in acidic soils, or amend them to the proper pH. You might choose to keep it easier on yourself and plant them in large, exterior containers with planting soil for acid-loving plants.

Create a low hedge to define your space at the property line, or to surround the perimeter of your Kitchen Garden. Plant 2 feet apart on center to create a solid hedge. You’ll measure from the center of one to the center of the next.

Use them in just about any sunny spot. They look fabulous in mixed shrub borders with Azaleas and Rhododendrons. Try a series of containers on your patio, porch or deck.

You’ll get fruit from a single plant, as Cabernet Splash is self-pollinating. But You’ll get more fruit, if you plant it with another Northern Highbush Blueberry.

Pro Plant Tips for Care

Give Cabernet Splash Blueberry full sun for the best fruit production. It will require 6 hours of direct sunlight.

Blueberries require well-drained, acidic soil with a pH between 4. 5 and 5. 5. If you have alkaline soil with a high pH, or clay soil that retains moisture, try growing them in containers.

Mulch is a great idea keeping the root system nice and cool. A moderate amount of even moisture is especially important during the fruit development is key to full, plump blueberries. .

Use an acid-loving plant soil mix and add ΒΌ pathway bark or pine straw to the mix. Top with pine straw or bark mulch, and fertilize with Dr. Earth Acidic Natural and Organic Premium Fertilizer according to the directions on the label.

Provide a moderate amount of water on a regular basis. Use a Rain Barrel to catch and store neutral pH rainwater.

Cabernet Splash Blueberry will sell out quickly. Order yours today, as we have a limited supply of these popular plants.

Cabernet Splash Blueberry Order Options