Garden Plant: Buzz Purple Butterfly Bush

Buzz Purple Butterfly Bush Garden Plant

Buzz Purple Butterfly Bush

Product Description: Buzz Purple Butterfly Bush

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Purple Flowers With Wildlife Appeal

Buzz Purple, Buddleia \’Buzz Purple’ is a Butterfly Bush that combines beauty and wildlife appeal. Plant a few of these for a spectacular floral border, or even just one near a front entrance where You’re sure to enjoy it summer-long display.

It’s hard to imagine a shrub more lovely and enchanting as a Butterfly Bush, and Buzz Purple manages to make owning one even easier. When you plant a Buzz Purple, you not only bring the beauty of a Butterfly Bush into your landscape, but do so without the need for much space.

Buzz Purple Butterfly Bush will provide your home with spikes of purple blooms that are just as impressive as those of full size bushes. However, instead of being up to twelve feet tall, Buzz Purple Butterfly Bush does it all in a four foot package. Long-blooming and strongly-scented, your Buzz Purple will put on a spectacular show all summer long, and call to pollinators from far and wide.

It has an upright, compact nature with arching branches. Deer and rabbits pass it by, but your pollinators will love it, arriving in droves to cover its scented blooms. Buzz Purple is drought tolerant, works great in containers and is generally easy to grow.

Butterfly Bushes have always been a favorite among gardeners. It’s hard to do better in an ornamental shrub than one that is long blooming (with huge flowers), beloved by butterflies and yet also easy to care for. Why not try a Buzz Purple this summer and begin to see why this amazing variety of Butterfly Bush is such a popular choice.

  • Amazing Fragrance
  • Works In Containers
  • Great Cut Flower
  • Pollinators Galore!

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