Garden Plant: Butterfly Weed Plant

Butterfly Weed Plant Garden Plant

Butterfly Weed Plant

Product Description: Butterfly Weed Plant

Butterfly Weed Plant Order Options

A Native Butterfly Magnet!

  • Great Color
  • Adapts to Many Soil Types
  • Attracts Pollinators

Nothing brings life and movement to a garden quite like wildlife. Butterflies, birds and bees flitting around animates and enlivens a space like nothing else. Plant a few Butterfly Weed plants (Asclepias tuberosa) around your garden and see what we mean.

Butterfly Weed (also known as Butterfly Milkweed) is a native flower that is common in the wild over most of America and half of Canada. It provides food and shelter for many species of butterflies, including the beloved Monarch. The beautiful orange/yellow flowers produce much more nectar than their size suggests, and that attracts hummingbirds and bees, too.

These are beautiful summer bloomers, with pretty flowers floating above airy foliage. Since they adapt to so many conditions, they are almost maintenance free in your home garden. No coddling necessary. Prune only when you need to keep them in bounds.

Butterfly Weed plants mix beautifully with other natives like yarrow, rudbeckia and sage. Besides their beauty, you can also enjoy the knowledge that you are keeping a native species thriving.

Super hardy and astonishingly colorful, you can’t go wrong with these in your garden. Order your Butterfly Weed plant from us today.

Butterfly Weed Plant Order Options