Garden Plant: Buddleia Flutterby Petite Tutti Fruitti Pink

Buddleia Flutterby Petite Tutti Fruitti Pink Garden Plant

Buddleia Flutterby Petite Tutti Fruitti Pink

Product Description: Buddleia Flutterby Petite Tutti Fruitti Pink

Buddleia Flutterby Petite Tutti Fruitti Pink Order Options

A Big Butterfly Smorgasbord

Who doesn’t love a summer garden full of butterflies? They are the bow on top of the package, the whipped cream on top of the frappe’, the icing on top of the cupcake! And there is no better way to get a garden full of these brightly-winged friends than to plant a few of their favorite nectar smorgasbords in the garden.

Start with Flutterby Petite Tutti Fruitti Pink Butterfly Bush (Buddleia x \’Podaras 13\’ Plant Patent #22,117). Part of Monrovia’s Flutterby series of Buddleia’s, this diminutive plant stays small and tidy, but is covered in wands of lavender-pink flowers that smell divine and attract butterflies and hummingbirds from all over the neighborhood.

These beauties are sized perfectly to be the stars of mixed borders or mixed container plantings. They also are great in the cutting garden – they are perfect in bouquets.

You’d think that a plant that pumped out flowers like this would be a garden diva, but Tutti Fruitti Pink is one of the easiest and most carefree plants You’ll grow in your garden! Once established it is drought tolerant, heat tolerant and it rarely reseeds. It is also disease resistant, deer hate it and it blooms over a long summer season. Come on! What more could you ask for?

Flutterby Petite Tutti Fruitti Pink will attract tons of pollinators including butterflies, hummingbirds and bees that will bring your summer garden to life.

Trust us, you will want to plant more than just one. They look great in groups of three or five and you can never have too many!

  • Easy Care
  • Pollinators Love It!
  • Great for Small Gardens
  • Highly Fragrant Cut Flowers

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