Garden Plant: BrazelBerries Pink Icing Blueberry
Product Description: BrazelBerries Pink Icing Blueberry
Hot Variegated Foliage Pink Icing Blueberry
- Northern Highbush
- Mid-Season
- Excellent Fruit is Juicy, Firm and Flavorful
- Gorgeous Spring Foliage Emerges Pink
- Lovely, Bell-Shaped White Blooms in Summer
- Leaves Deepen to Blue-Green Summer Color
- Iridescent Turquoise Blue Fall Color
- Ornamental Edible
- Compact, Semi-Evergreen Plant
- Self-Pollinating, but You’ll Get Larger Crops with Two Plants
- Incredible Gift Plant or Patio Plant
- Looks Great as a Hedge or Mass Planting
You’ll find plenty of places around your landscape for one of the most exciting Blueberry varieties on the market. With ornamental foliage and luscious fruit, Pink Icing Blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum \’ZF06-079\’ PP #23,336) looks incredible in all seasons.
In warm climates, this semi-evergreen will keep its blue-green foliage on over the winter. But You’ll want to take note in early spring. The newest growth is a sweet shade of pink!
Pink Icing delivers a gorgeous foliage display through the whole growing season. Add snow-white, bell-shaped flowers in late spring, followed by yummy blueberries mid-season? No wonder this plant sells out as soon as it hits the website.
Pink Icing is a compact variety of Northern Highbush. Pair it with early season Duke, and late season Elliott to extend your berry season. While this is a self-pollinating variety, blueberries will produce a more abundant fruit set with a partner. Add a pretty Peach Sorbet Blueberry for a great look.
Don’t have room? No problem. Pink Icing is a self-pollinating variety, so you only need one plant.
Part of the esteemed Bushel and Berry collection, Pink Icing is one of the hottest edible ornamental available. It is perhaps the perfect Thriller for container gardening. It grows into a nice, mounded shape.
In late fall, the leaves brighten into a fantastic turquoise fall color display. The vivid fall leaves almost glow! You’ve got to see it to believe it.
If Pink Icing Blueberries are in stock on the site, snap them up! Don’t wait, or we’ll sell out of our limited supply. No wonder, these plants are amazing!
Pro Plant Tips for Care
If Rhododendrons grow in the wild where you live, chances are good you have acidic soil. That’s a good thing when you are trying to grow Blueberries.
These special plants require acidic, well-drained soil with a pH between 4. 5 and 5. 5 to do well. Test your soil with an inexpensive soil tester to get a read on your native soil.
If your soil is alkaline, you can amend a wide planting hole with acidifying Sulphur, Peat Moss and 25% Pathway Bark. Or, you can easily grow Pink Icing Blueberry in an exterior garden container using Dr. Earth Acid Lovers Organic and Natural Planting Mix. Fertilize with Dr. Earth Acid Lovers Organic and Natural Premium Fertilizer acidic fertilizer according to the directions on the label.
Oftentimes, city water can be quite alkaline. If you have a Rain Barrel, use neutral pH rainwater to water your blueberries.
Use a 20 decorative patio pot to allow enough room for the root systems to flourish, even as a mature shrub. Place them on your deck, patio, balcony or porch. Use two as Thrillers, flanking either side of your doorway.
A long row of Pink Icing Blueberries make a wonderful low hedge, or edging for a mixed shrub border. Plant them 3 feet apart on center. You’ll measure from the center of one to the center of the next.
Give them full sun in areas with mild summers. In hot summers, they’ll appreciate some afternoon shade.
Why not add a tremendous amount of curb appeal by planting Pink Icing in your east-facing foundation or patio plantings?
Edible landscaping is all the rage these days!
Plant them anywhere you want a hard-working accent. Just make sure you can easily reach all the way around your plants for harvest. You won’t want to miss a single berry!
Pink Icing can become a star in Kitchen Gardens, and Children’s Gardens, too. What a perfect way to show children where their food comes from!
You’ll appreciate the double-duty these lovely, small fruiting shrubs pull for you in your landscape. Take full advantage of your sunlight and grow your own, incredible, healthy blueberries.
Order Pink Icing Blueberries and start enjoying year-round color and beauty with stunning foliage colors. Enjoy growing your own robust-flavored berries!