Garden Plant: Blueray Blueberry
Product Description: Blueray Blueberry
The Blueray Blueberry, \’Vaccinium \’Blueray’, is a heavy producer of high quality large, powder-blue berries with outstanding dessert flavor. Pink tinged flowers are followed by edible, sweet, round, deep blue berries to 1/2 inch across.
It is a midseason blueberry that ripens early August. The foliage turns a burgundy color in the fall. It is similar to the Bluecrop, but a bit sweeter.
The blueberry grows best on sites where most other crops fail. They perform well on loose textured soils–mixtures of sand and peat are best. It prefers an organically rich, medium to wet, well-drained soil in full sun to part shade.
This deciduous shrub is dense with an upright, multiple-branched growth habit. The shallow, fibrous roots need constant moisture and good drainage. Plants appreciate a good organic mulch. Prune as needed in late winter beginning in the third year after planting. Although blueberries are self-fertile, cross-pollination produces the best fruit crop.
Blueberries are delicious, exceptionally nutritious, high in bioflavanoids. Blueberries are a gourmet treat.