Garden Plant: Bloom-A-Thon Hot Pink Reblooming Azalea

Bloom-A-Thon Hot Pink Reblooming Azalea Garden Plant

Bloom-A-Thon Hot Pink Reblooming Azalea

Product Description: Bloom-A-Thon Hot Pink Reblooming Azalea

Bloom-A-Thon Hot Pink Reblooming Azalea Order Options

Hot Pink Color All Summer And Fall Too!

  • Reblooming Evergreen
  • Sun Tolerant
  • Very Easy Care
  • 3 Seasons of Hot Pink Flowers

Azaleas are great spring bloomers, but Bloom-a-thon does them one better. No, make that three better. Why? Because Bloom-a-thon blooms its first big flush of flowers once in the spring. After a brief rest and a little trim, it blooms again in summer. Then, just when you think it’s probably all done for the year, it blooms all the way through the fall. It gives you three full seasons of blooms!

A relative newcomer, the Hot Pink Bloom-a-thon Azalea (Rhododendron BLOOM-A-THON \’RLH1-11P1\’) was first introduced in 2012. It blooms with all of its sister Azaleas in April and May for 4-6 weeks. Then it will re-bloom in the summer and fall for an additional 12-16 weeks, often right up until the first frost.

The flowers are a ravishing hot pink that both blends in with and stands out from other Azaleas. And they absolutely smother the bush in color.

These are great evergreen hedges. They don’t grow too large and give you great color most of the year. Since their leaves stay deep green all year, they work exceptionally well as foundation shrubs and make walls of color if you plant them in groups in beds and borders. Bloom-a-thon Hot Pink will also work great in a container.

Bloom-a-thon can handle more sun than many other Azaleas. Leaf scorch doesn’t seem to be as much of a problem as with the strict shade-loving Azaleas.

Azaleas are long-lived classics in the garden. They will give you instant southern charm. They are also very easy-going once they get established, which they do very quickly.

Bloom-a-thon Hot Pink will certainly change the way you think of Azaleas. Add a few to your garden today!

Bloom-A-Thon Hot Pink Reblooming Azalea Order Options