Garden Plant: Black Satin Blackberry

Black Satin Blackberry Garden Plant

Black Satin Blackberry

Product Description: Black Satin Blackberry

Black Satin Blackberry Order Options

Heavy Producing, Thornless Blackberry Vine

Black Satin Blackberry (Rubus fruiticosus \’Black Satin’) is the blackberry vine that kids have dreamed of since “Little House on the Prairie” made blackberry pickin’ look so fun. The biggest complaint of berry-picking is those nasty thorns! Black Satin has done away with that, leaving you with only the joy of the luscious berries.

Black Satin is a great blackberry that is a hardy grower in most of the US. It thrives in the hot summers of the Midwest and Deep South, but will sail through even a Northern winter if it’s coddled with a little mulch to protect it.

These are wonderful plants for the backyard food garden. They are very vigorous and disease-free. They require very little from you, other than yearly pruning. Black Satin doesn’t even produce suckers!

This vine can be counted on to produce nice big crops of fruit every year in mid-summer. Each thornless stem will produce 35-40 berries… and these berries will knock your socks off with their sweet/tart flavor.

You’ll want to plant a couple Black Satin blackberries because you can never have enough blackberries, right? (Besides, the cross-pollination will ensure you those big yields. )

Order yours today and enjoy berries next summer!

  • Thornless canes
  • Juicy sweet berries
  • Easy care for the home garden

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