Garden Plant: Black Mission Fig Tree

Black Mission Fig Tree Garden Plant

Black Mission Fig Tree

Product Description: Black Mission Fig Tree

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Two Yearly Crops With Black Mission Fig Tree

  • Prolific Harvests in Spring and Early Fall
  • Sweet, Moist, Chewy Fruit
  • Freeze Harvest for 12 Months
  • Wonderful Large Leaves
  • Easy-Care Fruit Tree
  • Hardy and Long-Lived
  • Does Well In Containers

Fig lovers rejoice! Growing your own fruit is simple and easy with your own Black Mission Fig Tree (Ficus carica \’Mission’). This prolific tree produces two harvests each year.

How nice to be able to run outside and harvest incredibly fresh figs for snacking, baking and more from your very own tree! You’ll know exactly how your food was cared for over many productive years.

Growers love this Fig variety for its easy-care nature. Plant it in the ground in warmer Zones where the climate is cooperative. Or, plant your Black Mission Fig in a container in colder Zones.

The Black Mission Fig variety requires minimal upkeep. You don’t need to have a green thumb to grow this tree. They don’t require a lot of fuss to keep them looking and performing their best.

Just plant it in well-drained soil, provide even watering and watch the magic unfold.

Known as one of the most abundant Fig species, the Black Mission Fig Tree produces year after year. It’s a wonderful choice, with sweet, jammy fruit bursting with flavor.

You’ll be glad to hear that Black Mission Fig starts producing faster than many other Fig or fruit varieties. This means that you can enjoy a bountiful harvest in just a few years.

It’s a treat to harvest two crops of figs a year. Whet your appetite with the early Breba crop on last year’s wood, Watch for the main crop in the fall from the tree’s new growth.

Enjoy the many ways to enjoy the luscious fruit from your Black Mission Fig. Order today!

How to Use Black Mission Fig Tree in the Landscape

Start your own orchard. Keep the trees as small as You’d like with pruning.

Large, tropical-looking leaves on this highly ornamental, rounded tree are great for shading a patio or backyard. They work under utility wires for some areas.

Low branches provide wonderful screening to block unsightly views. Use them very successfully as a beautiful and useful hedge.

To create a solid, fruitful screen, plant them 5 feet apart on center. Measure from the center of one to the center of the next. Grow them informally, not sheared.

Try them as prolific container plants for decks, patios, and rooftop gardens, too. The large, shiny, handsome leaves definitely bring a decorator vibe to your landscape.

Pick the ripe figs when the skin turns a very dark purple and the texture turns soft. Use garden shears or hand-pick your crops with a gentle tug upward.

Nutritious figs have potassium, minerals like magnesium, Vitamin C, several important B Vitamins and a big dose of fiber. And Black Mission figs taste sweet fresh from your tree.

Chop or puree them for delicious desserts, grill them and add to cheese plates while they are fresh. Can, dehydrate or freeze whole figs for up to a year.

Pro Plant Tips for Care

Select a planting site in full sun or part shade. Ensure your tree will receive at least 4 hours of direct sunlight. Morning sun is best, as it will dry the foliage off.

Plant in well-drained soils, or create a raised bed to plant in. Figs need good air circulation, as well.

Handle with care when planting your Fig, as their roots display some sensitivity. Take your time and gently place the root ball into your planting hole. Follow planting instructions on your order confirmation and on our website.

Give young trees adequate moisture as they establish their roots into your landscape. Keep the soil moist so using a 3-4 inch layer of mulch over the root system.

Even after the first few seasons, you should provide even soil moisture for best fruit production. Irregular watering can cause the fruit to split.

Use the Finger Test to determine when to water. Stick your finger into the soil near the plant up to the 2nd knuckle. Getting dry? Time to water. Still moist? Skip watering and check in a day or two.

Black Mission Figs can be grown in containers in Zones 3 – 6. In fall, allow the plants to achieve dormancy. Once the leaves drop, you can bring them into an unheated garage or unheated porch to protect them from the cold.

Figs need winter dormancy. Although this is a low chill hours variety (requiring 100 hours of low temperatures) we don’t recommend that you bring containerized figs inside of a warm house.

Renewal prune in spring to remove several of the thickest, oldest stems. Remove any dead wood at that time.

Go ahead and get your Fig fix. Plant Black Mission Fig to enjoy two crops a year. Order today!

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