Garden Plant: Autumn Sunset Climbing Rose

Autumn Sunset Climbing Rose Garden Plant

Autumn Sunset Climbing Rose

Product Description: Autumn Sunset Climbing Rose

Autumn Sunset Climbing Rose Order Options

Lighthearted Yellow Climbing Selection

Tough, rugged, disease resistant. Easy care and winter hardy.

Wait, are we talking about a utility truck, or a rose? ;-)

The easy-breezy Autumn Sunset (Rosa \’Autumn Sunset’) climbing rose brings beauty, fragrance and strength to home landscapes. This selection is a real win-win-win to meet the demands of modern families.

First, this is an easy rose and highly resistant to black spot and winter cold. It blooms it’s head off from summer through fall, and in a wonderfully yummy apricot gold that plays nicely with other colors in the garden. The fruity fragrance is also delightful!

The blooms are a large and decorative double that is produced in large, impactful clusters. Each blossom has between 20 – 25 petals, so it’s an open and informal feel.

It’s a compact climber and stays within bounds. But don’t worry! It blooms on both old and new wood, so you won’t sacrifice blooms if you need to prune it a bit.

There is a place in just about every garden for a climbing rose. Train it over a sturdy trellis and hide those recycling bins! Use in a sunny side yard to beautifully increase privacy. You’ll appreciate how fast it grows.

What a wonderful rose!

  • Easy Care Compact Climbing Rose
  • Wonderfully Fragrant
  • Blooms on Old and New Wood

Autumn Sunset Climbing Rose Order Options