Garden Plant: Autumn Frost Hosta

Autumn Frost Hosta Garden Plant

Autumn Frost Hosta

Product Description: Autumn Frost Hosta

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Most Popular Hosta with Landscapers

The Hosta Autumn Frost, Hosta \’Autumn Frost’, is derived from a line of champion hostas. With unbeatable curb appeal, \’Autumn Frost’ is a low care perennial that is ideal for tubs and patio pots, and one of the most popular for landscape uses.

A showier version of First Frost, \’Autumn Frost’ has leaves that emerge a frosty blue but have “extra wide” bright yellow margins: then these margins lighten to a creamy white during summer.

\’Autumn Frost’ forms a 12″ mound and is a standout in any garden area. Beautiful lavender flowers appear in mid to late summer and attract hummingbirds.

Hostas grow best in moist, well-drained, highly organic soils with a pH between 5. 5 and 7. 5.

High-filtered or dappled sunlight is necessary for clean, healthy growth. Morning sun is tolerable and will help to intensify the leaf colors, but hot afternoon sun is usually deadly to hostas!

A great choice for any beginner gardener! You will be very pleased with the mounding habit, striking foliage, and easy care of \’Autumn Frost’!

* WideYellow Margins on Blue Leaves
* Margins Fade Throughout Summer
* Lavender Flowers in Summer

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