Garden Plant: Aimee Gardenia Tree Form

Aimee Gardenia Tree Form Garden Plant

Aimee Gardenia Tree Form

Product Description: Aimee Gardenia Tree Form

Aimee Gardenia Tree Form Order Options

Fabulously Fragrant Aimee Gardenia Patio Tree

  • Amazing Fragrant Flowers
  • Reblooming
  • Glossy Green Evergreen Foliage
  • Tree Form Makes an Incredible Accent

If you are searching for a perfectly sophisticated summer accent for your patio or on either side of your front door, You’ll want to look at tree form Aimee Gardenia (Gardenia jasminoides \’Aimee’). What a gorgeous plant!

Our growers have expertly created a beautiful tree form of this beloved gardenia. It features the incredible, lush, silky white scented flowers you love. The best part is that they are held at eye level, so you can easily study and inhale the perfume.

You definitely want to plant it where you and your visitors can enjoy it.

Use these special plants in beautiful containers, or plant them in the ground to delight you and your guests. This plant is a prolific bloomer, so You’ll have plenty of blooms to bring indoors! The evergreen, beautiful glossy green leaves make an outstanding backdrop for the elegant blooms.

As an accent, this tree form gardenia becomes a wonderful addition to your landscape. You’ll love it both in bloom and out. The pretty leaves can really standalone by themselves. When punctuated with the stunning flowers, the plant is elevated into a masterpiece.

Pro Plant Tips for Care

These special trees are worthy of tender loving care. They’ll love a partial shade position, protected from the heat of the afternoon sun.

Live in a cold winter zone? Simply bring them inside for the winter and make sure they receive regular watering.

  • Keep them evenly moist. Give them rich, well-drained soil, amended with compost.
  • Please don’t plant these trees too deep. Keep the soil line at the same level as they were growing in at the nursery.
  • Cover the plants with an inch or two of mulch to keep the roots nice and cool, but please don’t let the mulch touch the stems.

Enjoy them! We only have a limited supply, so You’ll want to order quickly for your garden today.

Aimee Gardenia Tree Form Order Options