Garden Plant: Thornless Honeylocust

Thornless Honeylocust Garden Plant

Thornless Honeylocust

Product Description: Thornless Honeylocust

Thornless Honeylocust Order Options

Fast-Growing, Carefree Tree

Thornless Honeylocust is an attractive, fast-growing tree. It would be perfect for your street or driveway due to its hardy, adaptable nature. Your Thornless Honeylocust tree is easy to grow, so it will consistently provide its admirable features without a lot of work from you.

Its delicate leaves are finely-textured, displaying a graceful shimmer in the lightest of breezes and casting a relaxing, filtered shade. Delicate flowers will appear in the spring, pristine white and gracing your yard with their sweet fragrance.

Yellow-gold fall foliage will light up your landscape in the autumn. The bark lends winter interest with its fissured, grey bark with orange-tinted interior that becomes even more interesting with age.

Imagine seeing up to two feet of growth each year with your Thornless Honeylocust without having to fuss or fret over it. Thornless Honeylocust is quite hardy, and tolerates a variety of conditions including drought, salt and urban environments.

Does not mind some pruning and doesn’t mind being shaped to match your preferences. If You’d like a tree to shade a walkway, this is the tree for you. Pruning the low branches doesn’t detract from the tree’s appearance and it’s almost seedless, so raking isn’t an issue either. You can even easily transplant it should you decide to try a different location.

Thornless Honeylocust clearly has a lot to offer, and would make an outstanding addition to your yard today.

  • Thornless!
  • Fast Growing
  • Yellow-Gold Fall Color
  • Highly Tolerant and Hardy

Thornless Honeylocust Order Options