Garden Plant: Spring Grove Arborvitae

Spring Grove Arborvitae Garden Plant

Spring Grove Arborvitae

Product Description: Spring Grove Arborvitae

Spring Grove Arborvitae Order Options

Fast Growing, Dense and Cold Hardy – Perfect for Privacy

The Arborvitae Spring Grove, Thuja plicata \’Grovepli’, a Proven Winners selection, was selected for its superior winter color and hardiness. It maintains a rich green color even in Midwest winters. This plant can survive -25 degrees winters!

The tight, thick pyramidal habit works nicely for landscape designs, borders, screens, specimen, and windbreaks. Spacing should be 12 to 15 feet apart. This plant is also very deer resistant. Spring Grove is fast growing for an Arborvitae.

Fertilize in early spring with a slow release evergreen fertilizer. It is adaptable to a wide range of soil ph’s.

This tree is good for holding banks, as a specimen, and in winter gardens.

If you want to create a deer resistant and fast-growing privacy screen, Spring Grove is the plant for you!

  • Tight pyramid growth habit
  • Thick green foliage
  • All season interest

Spring Grove Arborvitae Order Options