Garden Plant: Pink Flowering Dogwood
Product Description: Pink Flowering Dogwood
Gorgeous Pink Flowering Dogwood Tree
- Big Display in Early Spring
- Birds Love the Berries
- Outstanding Fall Color
- Winter Appeal
- Hardy Small Native Tree
Yes, she likes turning heads. Yes, she likes dressing up. Yes, she commands attention. Yes, the Pink Dogwood tree looks like a “diva”, but she doesn’t act like one. Thankfully, this is a hard-working, low maintenance tree, so you won’t have to work hard to love her.
Pink Flowering Dogwood (Cornus florida var. ruba) will look fantastic in your landscape all year around. The leaves are deep green in the summer, and turn an eye-catching crimson in the fall. In the winter, the peeling bark stands out in grey and cinnamon colors, which is especially showy in a snowy yard.
But when we’re talking about a Dogwood, everyone knows that “spring is the season”. The Pink Dogwood will literally stop your neighbors in their tracks when it blooms in the spring. People will actually pull over check out that tree in your yard when the display begins.
These hardy trees are native to the United States and are one of the earliest trees to bloom. Let’s face it… everyone wants one because of the flower display.
To be honest, these super showy “flowers” are actually 4 flower bracts that surround that little flower. Those showy bracts can last for a long time and are 3-4 inches across!
They appear before the leaves in early spring. They’ll start out a light pink and deepen into rose pink as they age. Each tree then has multiple colors of pink blooming at the same time!
This fabulous variety would make a wonderful tree to plant for a little girl’s birthday.
But it’s not only beautiful in the spring. In the summertime, dark green leaves are very attractive. In the fall, the foliage transforms itself into varying shades of red.
People aren’t the only creatures who adore this pink flowering tree. They’ll produce small, bright red berries that the birds love.
It will even start flowering as young as just 3 or 4 feet tall. Talk about eager to please!
Don’t hesitate to add this tree to your yard this year. Order now!
How to Use Pink Flowering Dogwood Tree in the Landscape
The bark on older plants begins to peel and is very attractive. It is worth highlighting with some landscape lighting. The peeling bark is cinnamon colored and super interesting.
This small ornamental tree can be used many places, including near the entrance to your home, or under utility wires. They make fantastic edge of the woods plants, single specimen plants, or up near your patio where you can enjoy the flower and enjoy the wildlife it attracts.
Plant multiples in groups. It looks best when you use an odd number of trees, so get 3, 5 or even 7 and artistically place them in a curve or even a zig-zag for best results. They’ll give you a fabulous “vista” or view, so place them where You’ll be able to appreciate them from inside your house, too.
For a standardized look, use 3 of the same variety. Or, if you have a flair for the dramatic, pair them with other types of Dogwoods. Create an “ombre” effect by planting them with other varieties. Move from White, to Pink, all the way through Scarlet Fire. This would be an absolutely spectacular, and clever presentation.
What a special tree!
Pro Plant Tips for Care
Keeping your Pink Flowering Dogwood healthy and vigorous by doing a few simple things will pay off. They love a rich organic, acidic soil that drains well is best.
They can grow in full sun or partial shade. They love having their root systems covered with a nice layer of mulch to keep the soil evenly moist and cooler. They do not like the sun to bake the roots beneath. Additional moisture weekly or as needed will also keep your plant happy.
It grows best in drained soil, but tolerates just about any soil condition, does well in full sun or light shade and won’t grow out of bounds.
Order today, as it’s ready to get started thrilling you!