Garden Plant: New Bradford Pear

New Bradford Pear Garden Plant

New Bradford Pear

Product Description: New Bradford Pear

New Bradford Pear Order Options

Ornamental Tree with Fabulous Spring Color

The New Bradford pear is an ornamental, deciduous tree. Plant one or more as main focal points in your yard for their superior spring and fall beauty.

You’ll love your New Bradford Pear Tree’s shape and form. The trunk grows straight and true with spreading branches, creating an overall oval nature.

Before new leaves develop in the spring, your Pear tree will delight you with a prolific abundance of fragrant flowers that seem to blanket the tree in showy, white brilliance. It’s a spring stand-out in any yard!

As your pear tree’s spring blossoms drift to the ground, glossy green foliage will emerge to create a full and verdant appearance to compliment your summer yard. As the days grow cooler, those same leaves will transform to the brilliant oranges and reds that will add zest to your autumn landscape.

The New Bradford is a superior cultivar. While other pear trees struggle through high winds and winter snows, your New Bradford Pear was developed to resist storm damage and fireblight. It’s quite hardy, disease resistant and even drought tolerant.

The New Bradford Pear tree is also a vigorous grower and will provide you with years of outstanding performance and enjoyment.

  • Spring and fall color
  • Disease resistant
  • Drought tolerant

New Bradford Pear Order Options