Garden Plant: Nagami Kumquat
Product Description: Nagami Kumquat
Unique Taste, Lucky Nagami Kumquat
- Unique Delicious Fruit
- Self Pollinating
- Great in Containers
- Fragrant Spring Flowers
- Prolific Producer
- Ornamental/Edible
- Historic and Cultural Relevance
For more luck and prosperity in your landscape, try the ever-popular Nagami Kumquat (Fortunella margarita \’Nagami’). This small tree produces citrus fruit that has been a food staple for centuries throughout China, Japan, India and Southeast Asia. It’s most popular for its distinctively luscious fruit, beautiful form and year-round fruit display.
Nagami Kumquat is the most popular variety grown in the United States. The most outstanding feature is of course the fruit itself. There’s nothing that tastes quite like it.
The oval, bright orange-colored fruit is about the size of a large olive. The fresh fruit is eaten whole for a sweet and sour flavor experience. Yes, even the rind is edible. As you chew, the sweet rind and sour pulp blend in your mouth. It’s a perfect blend of acid and sugar.
Remember, “Don’t stop chewing” to achieve the most incredible flavor while eating fresh. Candied, cooked, canned or eaten whole, Kumquats are a tasty, not-to-be-missed treat in any form!
Try juicing the pulp for special mixed Citrus-infused water. Squeeze into gin and tonic cocktails as a special alternative to lime. Decorate the rim of your glass with a twist of the Nagami rind.
You can also slice the sweet rind to add to salads. This is a very healthy alternative to those overly sweet dried cranberries that have been sprayed with too much sugar.
Candy them for a gift or use the fruit for jelly. Serve with savory meats for an easy, delicious Asian fusion meal.
How nice to grow your own Kumquats!
A beautiful “ornamental” edible, the Nagami Kumquat tree has a very formal, upright character. This small, fruit-bearing evergreen tree makes a perfect focal point in the landscape. It will also thrive on the patio as a tremendous container specimen.
Tiny white flowers appear in the early spring have a richly tropical appearance. They are delightfully fragrant and perfume your whole yard.
The prolific Nagami Kumquat tree produces an abundance of fruit each growing season. The new winter crop is a prized decoration on the tree during the Lunar New Year and plants are brought indoors for the celebration in Asia and the United States.
Once established, the orange fruit can hang on the tree for months. This gives it a wonderful display value in the landscape. Deep green leaves give a soft, healthy appearance to your tree year-round, even when not in bloom or fruit.
The upright, compact plant is a moderate grower and is able to be easily trained into a very attractive vase shape. It will become a sophisticated and useful specimen.
This adaptable and lovely plant is a great choice for edible and ornamental landscapes alike. People all over the world adore these citrus plants.
Pro Plant Tips for Care
Kumquats are one of the best adapted of all Citrus to container growing. Plant a Nagami in a special pot for years of enjoyment. Citrus is sensitive to overwatering in the container, so be careful to keep it on the dry side. It’s better to let the soil dry out a bit between waterings.
Citrus trees prefer an acid soil mix, select a potting soil that is used for Azaleas, Camelia’s or Rhododendrons. Add a quarter-inch of bark or pathway bark at the rate of 25% of the total volume of the container. This improves both porosity and adds large particle organic matter.
Feed your container citrus quarterly with an acid fertilizer like Dr. Earth Acid Lovers Organic Fertilizer.
If you see this popular tree in stock, please order right away. We regularly take calls on this, and it’s in high demand. Order now!