Garden Plant: Lodgepole Pine

Lodgepole Pine Garden Plant

Lodgepole Pine

Product Description: Lodgepole Pine

Lodgepole Pine Order Options

Strikingly Handsome Vertical Accent Tree

A spectacular North American native tree, the Sierra Lodgepole Pine (Pinus contorta var. murrayana) grows straight and tall. It gives an enormous presence in your landscape, without taking up too much space.

Use this tree as an accent, with its strong, slender trunk giving a crisp, clean affect. The narrow, evergreen high canopy moves in the wind to bring additional visual interest to your landscape.

Use the bold vertical lines to create a vista, which is a magnificent view for you and your guests to enjoy. In a small yard, plant 3 or 5 in a curve well beyond the edge of a seating area or patio where You’ll see the sun rise or set through the trees. Long shadows thrown by the canopy across the lawn will add to the evocative visual interest.

For larger properties, consider planting a grove on the outskirts of your visual view. Wind a woodland path between them to recreate the look and feel of the rugged Mountain West.

Plant a small grove along either side of your entrance drive. The trees will then act as sentries, while easily grounding your landscape and setting the stage for guests to your home.

The fine-textured Pine bark of the trunk will perfume your air with one of the most well-known scents of the West. Native Americans used these trees for their Tipi poles, and You’ll capture history by using these at your home.

  • Strong Bold Vertical Lines
  • Instantly Recognizable Native Tree
  • History and Fragrance
  • Fragrant Pine Scent

Lodgepole Pine Order Options