Garden Plant: Kwanzan Flowering Cherry
Product Description: Kwanzan Flowering Cherry
Outstanding Flowers Kwanzan Flowering Cherry
- Incredible Amount of Double Pink Blooms
- Very Easy Care
- Hardy and Adaptable
- Famous Pink Flowering Cherry
This dazzling, showy flowering cherry is one of the best of the best. Also called a Japanese Flowering Cherry, the Kwanzan Flowering Cherry (Prunus serrulata \’Kwanzan’) is absolutely stunning in early spring. Festivals have been planned around the bloom time since time immemorial, for very good reason.
It produces an extraordinary number of large clusters of bright pink double blooms that last for weeks. This tree comes out ahead in terms of bloom production. No other Flowering Cherry tree comes close.
With an upright, vase shape, the Kwanzan is a native of China, Japan and Korea. It’s world-famous for its absolutely stunning early spring floral display. Simply take a trip to Washington D. C. in spring during the annual Cherry Blossom Festival to become a believer.
Every spring, people from around the world show up in Washington D. C. to see the Kwanzan and Yoshino Flower Cherries for very good reason. The deep pink blooms of these spectacular selections seem to last longer than most all other varieties of flowering cherries.
This tree will make your landscape the envy of the neighborhood every year. Plan a springtime block party or host a special tea ceremony with loved ones.
The Kwanzan starts to grow bronze leaves while it’s still in bloom. As summer progresses, the leaves age into a lovely, glossy green, tinged slightly with a red overtone. You’ll appreciate the shade all summer long. And in autumn, Kwanzan Flowering Cherry leaves deepen into a brilliant, fiery, harvest yellow-red.
The Kwanzan Cherry Tree is a vibrant tree that would be an amazing addition to any yard. Order yours today, we will sell out quickly.
How to Use Kwanzan Flowering Cherry in the Landscape
With twice as many blooms as other flowering cherry trees, this makes a perfect choice to use as a wonderfully dramatic focal point. Planted around a deck or patio, the Kwanzan Cherry Tree will create an enchanting outdoor living space.
Line them along your driveway or along a pathway. Or, use as a wonderful street tree because of the minimal amount of maintenance to keep it looking great.
No matter if your yard is small or large, this is a spectacular specimen tree. The Kwanzan Cherry Tree is a vibrant tree that would be an amazing addition to any yard. It makes a perfectly stunning focal point.
In the front yard, consider planting 3, 5 or 7 in a gently curving, mulched raised berm that rises from the flat lawn. Underplant with a few different kinds of Hosta to complement the look, without competing for center stage.
Or, use them in the backyard. You’ll want to create a special space for your Kwanzan trees in a new mulched garden bed. Be sure to give yourself enough room to have annual spring picnic on the lawn near your new bed. Most importantly, site your new tree within sight of a window so you can enjoy it from indoors, as well. Enjoy!
Pro Plant Tips for Care
One of the hardiest and easiest to grow flowering trees, the Kwanzan grows beautifully. Plant it in full sun or give it a little afternoon shade.
Plant your Kwanzan in a location that receives full size. They’ll thrive in organically rich, well-draining soil. Kwanzan prefers good drainage, so be aware of your drainage before planting in a lawn situation.
If poor drainage is suspected, plant on a mound or raised bed that is 12 to 18 inches above the soil line. In hotter climates, mulch to 3 to 4 inches deep to 3 feet outside of the canopy of the tree.
Plan to mulch underneath, as the roots won’t like competition from grass. For this tree, we highly recommend adding our Root Booster to the top few inches of your planting hole. This product will help the roots establish quickly in your soil.
Give it regular water, especially when it’s a young tree. Just use the “Finger Test” to check the status of the soil under the surface. Poke your index finger into the soil near the roots. If it feels moist, you can skip watering. If it’s getting dry, be sure to give your tree a nice, slow, deep drink of water.
You can prune this tree to control the size and keep it at any height you prefer. Wait until after the flowers have passed to prune for size.
If you are going to use multiple trees in your landscape, plant them 12 to 15 feet apart measuring from the center trunk of one, to the center trunk of the next.
This gorgeous tree is seriously easy to maintain and grow. It has no serious pests or disease issues. Rather, it delivers an incredible experience for you. You’ll love this incredible tree –