Garden Plant: Fireglow Japanese Maple

Fireglow Japanese Maple Garden Plant

Fireglow Japanese Maple

Product Description: Fireglow Japanese Maple

Fireglow Japanese Maple Order Options

Intense, Wine-Red Color

The Fireglow Japanese Maple, Acer p. \’Fireglow’, is an impressive, vigorous, reliable tree that burns fire-red! It has an upright tree to shrub shape with many slender dark red shoots.

\’Fireglow’ has leaves that are not as deeply divided as \’Bloodgood’, but they have a deeper more intense wine-red leaf color that continues well into the heat of summer. In early fall, the foliage becomes purple-red suffused with green.

Since it does not get as tall or widespread as \’Bloodgood’, it is ideal for those smaller tight spaces. It is easy to grow, and adapts to most conditions and likes well-drained, humus-rich soil; thrives well in hot, sunny conditions. It is best to feed it once a year with a slow release fertilizer.

\’Fireglow’ is so named because the sun can shine through the leaves for a blazing color accent! For deep, rich color in an easy to grow ornamental tree that fits into almost any space, you need to buy Fireglow Japanese Maple. Get yours today!

  • Easy to grow
  • Intense leaf color
  • Excellent container plant

Fireglow Japanese Maple Order Options