Garden Plant: Fan Tex Ash

Fan Tex Ash Garden Plant

Fan Tex Ash

Product Description: Fan Tex Ash

Fan Tex Ash Order Options

Uniform Shape, Seedless Fan Tex Ash Tree

  • Grafted Male Selection of Native Tree
  • Seedless
  • Fast-Growing
  • Wonderful Shade or Street Tree
  • Symmetrical, Rounded Canopy Casts Wide-Spreading Shade
  • Smooth, Glistening Green Leaves
  • Bright Yellow Fall Color
  • Leaves Drop All At Once for Easy Fall Clean-Up
  • Textured Bark Adds Interest
  • Performs Well in Arid, High Heat
  • Grows in Alkaline Soils

If you are sweltering in the high heat of the arid Southwest, get yourself a Fan Tex Ash tree (Fraxinus velutina \’Fan Tex’). It performs beautifully as a shade tree and is tough enough to handle the challenging climate.

Fan Tex is a male selection of the native Arizona Ash tree. It is carefully grafted by our expert growers and will not produce any seed.

These trees have excellent uniformity. If you are buying more than one tree, they will all look very similar in their neat, symmetrical growth habit.

Can you imagine a more perfect street tree? Create a handsome landscape – the easy way – with Fan Tex Ash.

With a nice size for modern lots, the Fan Tex develops a straight, textured trunk and a wide, rounded canopy. The thick leaves are compound, and each small leaflet is smooth and shiny.

These green summer leaves look great in the sun! And You’ll definitely appreciate the refreshing shade they cast across the ground.

Fan Tex leaves emerge earlier in the spring and last longer in the fall than other Desert Ash varieties. That means more shade for you, your family, friends and guests for longer.

In fall, get ready for a bright color display as the leaves turn brilliant golden-yellow. Just in time to celebrate the start of the Football Season!

Even the leaf drop is convenient because it happens all at once. One quick session with your rake and You’re done.

As the trees age, the trunk gets very textured. The kids will run their fingers up and down the trunk, and You’ll have something interesting to look at in wintertime.

Fan Tex Ash is perfectly suited to high pH alkaline soils. It can withstand tough levels of electrical conductivity, where the salinity of the soil is high.

Overall, Fan Tex Ash is an excellent, tough shade tree for the Southwest. Order from us today, and You’ll receive high-quality, professional landscapers grade trees right at your doorstep.

How to Use Fan Tex Ash in the Landscape

Use Fan Tex Ash for a stately shade tree. You’ll love how fast it grows to provide an attractive feature in your landscape.

Plant one as a lawn tree on the south or west side of your home to save on energy bills in summer.

Or, use a row of them along the length of your fence. If you want the canopies to grow together and touch, plant them 15 feet on center. Measure from the center of one to the center of the next.

This variety is certainly formal enough to be used in regular, even rows. Create a series of Living Walls with 3 or 5 trees to help shade important outdoor entertainment areas.

You’ll utilize your backyard a lot more with help from Fan Tex Ash. You’ll bless those thick leaves and their delicious shade.

Use Fan Tex as part of an informal grouping. Add other varieties, such as the seedless Modesto Ash, and vary the spacing from 20 – 30 feet. You’ll get a more natural look if you use an odd number of trees, and plant in isosceles triangles, and stay away from equilateral triangles! Curve the lines, or use a loose zig-zag.

Prefer to keep things a little more precise? Create a good-looking street planting with a row marching along your property line.

Be sure to give room for these trees to reach their full size. We recommend you plant Fan Tex at least 20 feet away from structures, sidewalks and driveways. If you are interested in learning more about large tree root systems like this one!

Pro Plant Tips for Care

Fan Tex Ash needs full sun for the best results. It requires at least 6 hours of direct sunlight a day.

Water your tree carefully to establish it during the first season. Protect your investment by giving water on a regular basis to keep your tree stress free.

Apply mulch to help the root system stay cool. Spread a three-inch thick layer out three feet from the canopy. Mulch should not touch the trunk, so pull it away from the tree by several inches.

Fertilize with an organic, slow-release formula. Follow the directions and application rate on the package.

There won’t be much need to prune Fan Tex Ash, as it grows into an attractive shape by itself. If needed, prune to correct form or remove branches in late winter.

It’s okay to fall in love with this tree. Don’t be surprised if you come back to order more of them. You’ll find plenty of uses for the tough, beautiful Fan Tex Ash.

Fan Tex Ash Order Options