Garden Plant: Cryptomeria Radicans

Cryptomeria Radicans Garden Plant

Cryptomeria Radicans

Product Description: Cryptomeria Radicans

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Graceful and Fast Growing Cryptomeria Radicans

  • Really Fast Growth Rate
  • Fast Growing Evergreen Grows 3 – 4 Feet a Year!
  • Privacy and Wind Break Tree
  • Attractive Form
  • Soft, Feathery Foliage
  • Long-Lived
  • Adaptable
  • Disease Resistant

When you need to screen an ugly view, you want a super-fast privacy solution. But you also want to make a good choice that works for a very long time in your landscape.

We love Cryptomeria Radicans (Cryptomeria japonica \’Radicans’). Specifically bred to grow quickly, You’ll be amazed as you watch this “speed demon” tree race to grow as a young tree.

How does 3 – 4 feet of growth a year sound to you?

It’s also known as Japanese Cedar, and it’s a beautiful workhorse. These versatile evergreen trees feature lovely soft foliage that flutters and sways in the slightest breeze. Kids love to run their hands over it.

Radicans is one of the most graceful evergreens You’ll ever see. Densely-packed, blue green foliage gently tapers to a point and shoots upward toward the sky.

It’s versatile and happy in either full sun to partial shade. It’s also tolerant of a variety of soil conditions, including clay. Once established, tough Cryptomeria Radicans is drought tolerant, and more disease resistant than other selections.

This is a great choice, perfect for landscapes in Growing Zones 5-8 that receive adequate rainfall. In dry areas, try the Spartan Juniper for a smaller tree or Leyland Cypress for a larger evergreen.

Unlike other Cryptomeria varieties, the foliage is not heavily bronzed in the winter time of year. With the Radicans, foliage remains green with just a slight ornamental touch of spicy rich bronze in especially cold winters.

Cryptomeria Radicans grows fast and is easy care. Order today and get started on your beautiful privacy.

How to Use Cryptomeria Radicans in the Landscape

An important plant for the home landscape, this tree has a dense canopy and grows in a useful narrow pyramidal column. Planting 8 to 10 feet apart should give you a full hedge within 5 years.

Try them just about anywhere you need to add an evergreen accent, or to gain privacy. One would look terrific as an accent next to your patio or at the corner of your house.

You could also plant several for a quick hedge along your properly line or use a few as a privacy screen or windbreak. They easily extend the height of a fence line to block out an unwanted view.

They are also a perfect fit in a Japanese style Zen Garden. Known as the national tree of Japan, Cryptomeria have that graceful form shared by most plants of Asian origin.

Use a single tree as a rough-textured specimen for contrast in a raked gravel planting bed. Or, try a pair flanking a Moon Gate, or on either side of the entrance. They’ll be a perfect fit to elevate the experience of entry.

Hide a utility area in your garden or use a row of them to create special Garden Rooms. Your lot will look larger if you use pretty trees like Cryptomeria Radicans as living walls of hidden retreats.

The trees will touch and create a solid wall if planted 8 feet apart. Otherwise, bump up the space to 12 feet apart (measuring from trunk to trunk) to see a row of individual trees with elbow room around each.

Why not carve out space for an elegant, private outdoor dining room? Or gift yourself a quiet retreat away from the world with a hammock or hot tub.

Pro Plant Tips for Care

Use as a formal hedge – of any height – with regular pruning. Or, let them grow as they will to reduce the amount of work required for pretty privacy.

It’s a rather versatile evergreen, happy in either full sun or partial shade. It’s tolerant of a variety of soil conditions, including clay, as long as water drains away quickly.

Once established, this tree is somewhat drought tolerant, but benefits greatly from a 3 to 4-inch mulch extended 3 feet from the outside of the canopy. This will help to keep the top of the root system cool and cut down on surface moisture evaporation.

Cryptomeria doesn’t perform well in alkaline soils. However, it will tolerate neutral and even higher acid soils.

This lovely evergreen is prized for both appearance and texture. Order enough to complete your project today!

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