Garden Plant: Creame de la Creame White Chaste Tree
Product Description: Creame de la Creame White Chaste Tree
Gorgeous Small Tree Draws Your Eye
This stunning small tree will delight your guests every summer when it blooms. Pale white blooms grow along long, lean spires that simply cover the Crème de la Crème White Chaste Tree (Vitex castus-agnus \’Crème de la Crème’).
This unusual accent tree develops an attractive branching structure and looks good from all angles. In full bloom, it will look all the world like a floral firecracker with lovely blooms rocketing out all around the graceful branches.
Plant it near your seating areas for a lovely conversation starter. Butterflies love the nectar, so You’ll have lots of company from “flying flowers!”
One of our best sellers is the Blue Chaste Tree. For a lot of interest, without competing for visual interest, pair the Blue Chaste Tree with this showy white flowered variety to layer the look together. You’ll add stunning, sophisticated depth to your garden design. But because they are both Vitex, and share a lot of similarities, you won’t have things look too jumbled together.
Instead, the Blue and White versions will make a lovely display together. Fair warning, You’ll be tempted to start a Chaste Tree collection!
Vitex is a beloved tree with a long history. With its silvery gray foliage and beautiful vase-shaped form, You’ll love it all year long. This is the best of both worlds, as it’s elegant enough to be considered sophisticated, but showy enough to command attention. It would work beautifully well in a manicured landscape, but can also hold it’s own in a rustic, informally wild ecosystem.
Gardeners across the country are on the hunt for this pretty and popular variety. Please order today so you don’t miss out!