Garden Plant: Bloodgood Japanese Maple

Bloodgood Japanese Maple Garden Plant

Bloodgood Japanese Maple

Product Description: Bloodgood Japanese Maple

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Beautiful Bloodgood Japanese Maple

  • Landscaper’s Favorite
  • Small, Graceful Tree
  • Highly Adaptable
  • Versatile
  • Requires Minimal Care
  • Dramatic Color

The Bloodgood Japanese Maple Tree (Acer palmatum \’Bloodgood’) can bring a peaceful feeling to your landscape. Like most Japanese plants, this beauty is an exceptionally ornamental tree.

It simply shines as the scarlet leaves emerge in the spring. Little wonder why poets have praised this venerable variety for centuries. The leaf shape and color is magnificent.

Each exquisite leaf will only get more brilliant through the year, ranging from orange-red, bronze-red, through to purple-red.

The delicate leaves are showcased on strong branches that are striking in the winter landscape after the leaves have fallen. Don’t let its lacy look fool you, though. This is a hardy plant that can handle urban conditions.

Prized by landscape designers, this adaptable ornamental tree features remarkable color. This is a sophisticated choice. You’ll adore the small tree for its great looks, and how easy it is to live with.

It’s time to up your curb appeal with this gorgeous tree. Order from us today!

How to Use This in Your Landscape

This makes a perfect feature tree for a Japanese Garden. What a lovely symbol of calm clarity, with its interplay between the fine-textured leaves and the dramatic coloring.

It makes an incredible focal point in a modern Meditation Garden, too. Let your busy day just melt away as you watch the breeze lightly blow through the leaves. Place a wind chime nearby, or a bubbling fountain. This tree is truly a gift for stressed-out modern souls.

This special tree works in both formal and informal garden styles. You’ll love it as an accent plant to draw your eye.

It will thrive in a large container, and work very well for small yards, decks or balconies. Gardeners have also pruned Japanese Maple into bonsai for thousands of years. Take the time to notice its special show for you every day.

It’s at its very best in partial shade, so don’t be afraid to plant it near the house or under taller trees. Use this as a special accent near your front door or patio. You’ll never tire of it.

Pro Plant Tips for Bloodgood Japanese Maple

Once established, the Bloodgood Japanese Maple is fast growing, at a rate of 1-2 feet a year for the first few years. The tree will double in size in 5 years!

The typical Bloodgood Japanese Maple responds well to pruning. Prune it in autumn after the leaves have fallen and you can keep this easy-care tree to any size you like.

It grows best in slightly acidic, well drained, soil. As you plant, mix in 25% peat moss with your total volume of backfill soil. Keep the soil moisture even.

These trees have roots that stay near the surface. They’ll benefit from a layer of mulch 4 inches deep, spread to the outside of the canopy.

Fertilize with an organic acid fertilizer, such as Dr. Earth Acid Lovers Organic and Natural Premium Fertilizer.

When growing in containers, use Dr. Earth Acid Lovers Organic and Natural Planting Mix, typically used for Azaleas, Camellias and Rhododendrons. To that, add 25% Pine bark mulch (or “Pathway” mulch) for the perfect Japanese Maple Container mix.

If it receives full sun, You’ll want to give it plenty of regular water. Foliage color may fade with full afternoon sun. Site this small tree so it will receive a bit of shade during the hot summer afternoons for best results.

Many people across the country are on the hunt for this lovely tree. Please order now, we would hate to have you miss out!

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