Garden Plant: Bottlebrush Sedge Grass

Bottlebrush Sedge Grass Garden Plant

Bottlebrush Sedge Grass

Product Description: Bottlebrush Sedge Grass

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Charming Plant for Wet Areas!

Very few flowers are as unique as those labeled \’bottlebrush’. They are usually cylindrical tubes that appear almost \’fuzzy’ and they are dead ringers for their namesake cleaning utensil. Of the several plants that have this name, Bottlebrush Sedge (Carex comosa) is the most petite.

Sedges are a group of plants that are very grass-like in appearance, but they thrive in wet conditions – think pond, pool and river edges as well as fountain over-splash zones. Bottlebrush Sedge has lime-green \’bristles’ that are very attractive when they bloom. The fountain-like green leaves are sure to add motion and texture to your garden.

Bottlebrush Sedge is an especially nice choice for rain gardens and retention areas. Use them in masses to great effect or plant just a few to highlight an area.

These are deer resistant and relatively disease-free, so plant them and breathe easy – they are super-simple to care for. They like it wet, so keeping them moist will be your biggest issue.

These are native plants, so they adapt very well to many areas and soils as long as they are damp. They are fine in sun or light shade.

Order some from us today!

  • Native to North America
  • Thrives in Wet Areas
  • Great in Bioswales

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