Garden Plant: Fertilome F-Stop Lawn Fungicide Concentrate

Fertilome F-Stop Lawn Fungicide Concentrate Garden Plant

Fertilome F-Stop Lawn Fungicide Concentrate

Product Description: Fertilome F-Stop Lawn Fungicide Concentrate

Fertilome F-Stop Lawn Fungicide Concentrate Order Options

  • Provides a systemic protectant and curative fungicide
  • Control turf grass diseases in established lawns
  • Used on: Roses, flowers, ornamental shrubs, berries, fruit, nuts, vegetables, and lawn
  • Diseases controlled: Powdery Mildew, Black Spot, Rust, Blights, Scab, Brown Rot, Leaf Spot, Brown Patch, Dollar Spot, Red Thread, Summer Patch, and more

Fertilome F-Stop Lawn Fungicide Concentrate Order Options