Garden Plant: Sage-Common
Product Description: Sage-Common
Common Sage, Salvia officinalis, is a variety that has long gray leaves and purple flowers on tall spikes. It makes a beautiful landscape plant but the flavor is wonderful on potatoes, in stews and stuffings.
Common Sage or Garden Sage is a member of the mint family. The stems are woody and square and the leaves are arranged oppositely on the stem. The plant is grown for its aromatic leaves, which are used as seasoning. Sage is essential for Italian Veal Saltimbocca or just add some fresh leaves to butter, saute and toss with pasta. Also use in sauces and stuffings for fatty meats such as goose, duck, pork and sausage.
In Medieval Times, growing sage for medicinal and culinary purposes was common. Its Latin family name, Salvia, means “to save” or “salvation” and is also the root word of salve.
The sage is an upright plant that reaches a height of 2-3 feet tall and 2 feet in diameter and have flowers that range from cream to purple.
Sage plants mature in about two years although you can harvest leaves in the first year.
Perennial herb in a large 4 1/2″ pot.
* Woody stems
* Gray leaves
* Cream to purple flowers
* Essential for Italian Veal Saltimbocca or just add some fresh leaves to butter, saute and toss with pasta.