Garden Plant: Oso Easy Italian Ice Rose

Oso Easy Italian Ice Rose Garden Plant

Oso Easy Italian Ice Rose

Product Description: Oso Easy Italian Ice Rose

Oso Easy Italian Ice Rose Order Options

Gorgeous Pink and Yellow Confection!

For a mouthwatering garden this summer, you need to plant Oso Easy Italian Ice Rose. This gorgeous flower blooms in a soft buttery yellow that melts into blushing pink margins. (If you are a rosarian You’ll notice how much it looks like the classic \’Peace’ rose, a rose garden staple for many years. ) As soft and luscious as this rose looks, though, it is tough and carefree, requiring very little of the fuss and fluff that many roses need.

Oso Easy Italian Ice (Rosa x \’ChewNiceBell’ USPP 26,532) is self-cleaning, so it never needs dead-heading to maintain its crisp, clean look. Combine that with strong disease resistance, an abundance of flowers all season long and a nice, bushy habit and you have a stellar shrub for your home garden.

Try planting these in large drifts along a fence or as a hedge by a walkway. They are excellent performers in large containers on a sunny patio, too. Just make sure they are someplace where you can admire their beauty up close.

These are destined to be a new garden classic, but don’t wait until then. Be on the crest of the trend and

* Mouthwatering yellow and pink blooms
* Healthy green leaves
* Hardy, disease-resistant shrubs
* Self-cleaning so no deadheading required

Oso Easy Italian Ice Rose Order Options