Garden Plant: Flame Sundaze Strawflower

Flame Sundaze Strawflower Garden Plant

Flame Sundaze Strawflower

Product Description: Flame Sundaze Strawflower

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Makes a Great Flower Border

The Strawflower Sundaze Flame Strawflower, \’Bracteantha bracteata’, a Proven Winners plant, is an upright, ever blooming plant that produces red/orange flowers all season long. Strawflower are also commonly called Everlasting Daisy or Golden Everlasting.

They are very heat tolerant, and are a standout in combinations. Strawflower has thin, lance shaped, grayish green leaves. The flowers are held on sandpapery, hollow, branching stems.

Use strawflower in annual beds, borders and as cut flowers. Strawflower is the everlasting flower of choice for dried floral arrangements. The papery bracts dry beautifully without losing their color or shape, and they last indefinitely.

For zones 9-11, this plant can also be a perennial.

  • Great cut and dried flower
  • Heat tolerant
  • Months of blooms

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