Garden Plant: Honey Heart Cherimoyas
Product Description: Honey Heart Cherimoyas
A Unique, Unbeatable Fruit Honey Heart Cherimoyas
- Sweet Fruit, Described as a Mix of Banana, Pineapple, Papaya, Peach, and Strawberry
- Easily Pruned to Maintain a Manageable Size
- Unique and Interesting Fruit Tree
If You’ve never had a Cherimoya or if You’ve been lucky enough to try them and you can’t find a store that sells them, you have to grow your own! The Honey Heart Cherimoyas (Annona cherimola \’Honey Heart’) has done well in the southern states for over two hundred years. It’s one of Southern California’s and Florida’s best-kept secrets.
What does a Cherimoya fruit taste like? Its pictures can be deceiving, this sweet fruit does not taste like an apple. It has a unique but delectable flavor which tastes like a nutty but light sweet cream. Also called “custard apples,” cherimoyas have a fruity, custard-like flavor and consistency.
These fruits are the perfect healthy dessert when refrigerated and scooped with a spoon. In fact, some people call this “ice cream” fruit. They also add natural sugar and great flavor to shakes and juices.
As its name implies, this variety produces heart-shaped fruit that can grow to be about 3-4 inches in size. They will develop from winter into spring and be ready to eat as a refreshing spring or summer snack.
You don’t need an acre to grow this unique plant. You can keep yours at a reasonable size with some pruning. This is a perfect background plant in your backyard.
You can grow your Honey Heart Cherimoya in a container to keep it small. It will require a pretty big pot and some stakes, though.
This sub-tropical tree is happiest in warm, sunny conditions. Evergreen except in the coldest conditions, it can survive temperatures down to 25 degrees when protected using a frost blanket or heavy sheets. Christmas lights can be suspended into the tree under the frost protection to increase the protection.
You do have to help it when it comes to pollination since there are so few of these around. But don’t worry, it’s worth it. You can hand pollinate your Honey Heart Cherimoya by waiting until the mid-bloom season and collecting pollen from the open male flower into a dish. Then brush the pollen onto the semi-open female flowers.
With a Honey Heart Cherimoya, You’ll become one of the most worldly and popular people around. Don’t miss out on the fruit described as one of “the finest fruits in the world” by Berthold Carl Seeman.