Garden Plant: Mini Gold Spirea

Mini Gold Spirea Garden Plant

Mini Gold Spirea

Product Description: Mini Gold Spirea

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Tidy, Bright Flower Power Mini Gold Spirea

  • Compact Form Won’t Outgrow It’s Spot
  • Lemon Yellow Foliage
  • Pretty Pink Blooms For Months
  • Golden Fall Color
  • Flowers on New Wood
  • Attractive to Butterflies
  • Tolerates Light Shade

For a bright, little pop of color all season long, rely on Mini Gold Spirea (Spiraea japonica \’Mini Gold’). This small shrub is tiny, but mighty!

Bright, sunny yellow foliage throughout the growing season brightens up your landscape. Soon after the season begins, tiny pink flowers in flat-topped clusters appear on each branch tip. Spirea are flower factories that bloom for months.

Get ready for the butterflies to come for a visit. They adore the wide landing pads of the flat flowers. Mini Gold gives them an easy source of nectar!

As the name suggests, Mini Gold is a petite, rounded plant. It stays put and won’t outgrow its place, so it makes a perfect accent for foundation plantings.

Mini Gold is a miniature version of the deciduous Goldmound Spirea. You might hear it called Dwarf Goldmound.

The sunny leaves emerge golden in spring, and turn an eye-catching chartreuse over the summer. The foliage color deepens in fall to a rich gold. The leaves are a perfect contrast to the clear pink of the sweet clusters of blooms.

There is always something going on with this fine-textured compact shrub. From the bright yellow foliage, to the reblooming pink flowers; rounded Mini Gold Spirea is a win-win for your landscape.

How to Use Mini Gold Spirea in the Landscape

Use this diminutive shrub just about anywhere you need more color. It fits neatly along the edge of garden beds. The color helps purple-toned plants like Tiny Wine Ninebark stand out, and will contrast beautifully with evergreen shrubs.

Plant them 18 inches on center for a neat and tidy low hedge. Measure from the center of the first to the center of the next.

There are so many ways to use these fantastic shrubs. Run them around the outside of a planting bed, then fill the middle with Roses or Hydrangeas in coordinating or contrasting colors.

Try them in lush mass plantings to fill wide, open sunny areas. Use a zigzagging planting pattern, 18 inches apart. Keep new mass plantings mulches and weeded until they grow together.

Of course, You’ll want to repeat them all along your mixed borders. But, you might also be surprised how effectively they will work in a Rock Garden. Enjoy!

Pro Plant Tips for Care

Mini Gold Spirea will grow in full sun or partial shade. Ensure it receives at least 4 hours of direct sunlight a day. Honestly, the more sun, the brighter the blooms and foliage.

Provide a moderate amount of water on a regular basis. Mulch over the root system to keep it nice, cool and moist. Once Mini Gold is established after the first season, it’s really so easy to grow.

It can be grown in a wide range of soils, although really does prefer well-drained soil. It’s easy to improve your drainage. Just use a raised bed, or mound up additional soil 12 inches tall and 2 feet wide to plant in.

The flower buds emerge on new wood, so prune in late winter to early spring to shape, if needed. The flowers are attractive and cover the foliage from late spring to mid-summer. Get outside, and snip off the faded blooms to encourage additional blooming as summer progresses.

An early spring haircut before it starts to grow and a bit of deadheading and You’ll be rewarded with plenty of flowers and colorful foliage during the whole growing season. You’ll love Mini Gold Spirea, order today!

Mini Gold Spirea Order Options