Garden Plant: Lace Shrub

Lace Shrub Garden Plant

Lace Shrub

Product Description: Lace Shrub

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Beautiful Arching Stems and Colorful Fall Leaves!

Lace Shrub (Stephanandra incisa \’Crispa’) is a garden magician. Its signature trick is in how easily it multiplies itself so that soon you will have a thicket of wonderfulness in your landscape. The lovely stems arch and bend creating an enticing waterfall effect, and every place that a stem touches the ground it sets roots!

You can use this as a lush summer groundcover. It will flower for you in the spring but the flowers aren’t the main show. The real show comes in the fall when the maple-like, deeply incised, spring green leaves blaze orange and yellow. Taken together with the weeping habit, this shrub is the poster-boy for Autumn.

Lace Shrub has no serious disease or insect problems so it makes a great low hedge or foundation plant. Since it grows low and roots so readily, it also is super-effective as erosion control for banks and slopes. You will find that it works equally well in a formal garden (with a little spring shear) as in a woodland, rustic or cottage garden (where a little \’wild’ is welcome).

If you need something different for under trees or to fill a large area, give Lace Shrub a try. You’ll be glad you brought this happy magician into the garden!

  • Spring flowers and colorful fall foliage
  • Low-grower, can be used as a groundcover
  • Good for erosion control along banks and slopes
  • Good hedge or foundation planting

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