Garden Plant: Golden Template Woadwaxen

Golden Template Woadwaxen Garden Plant

Golden Template Woadwaxen

Product Description: Golden Template Woadwaxen

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Yellow Flowers for a Month

The Golden Template Woadwaxen, Genista tinctoria, is an excellent xeriscape ground cover plant that has small, dark green leaves.

The small bright yellow pea-like flowers last for over a month.

It is a small Eurasian shrub and parts of the plant, especially the flowering tops, yield a good yellow dye.

\’Golden Template’ is a wonderful plant for containers or mass planting. This colorful plant does not require much water or maintenance!

The bright green smooth stems, or branches, are erect, rather stiff, smooth, or only lightly hairy, and free from spines. The leaves are spear-shaped.

It is an excellent edging plant for full sun and prefers dry, well-drained sites. This is a perfect edition to your xeriscape. If you are looking for a colorful ground cover that is easy to grow and maintain, \’Golden Template’ is the one for you!

  • Bright Yellow Flowers
  • Dark Green Leaves
  • Loves Dry Soil, Great For Xeriscapes!

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