Garden Plant: Everlasting Noblesse Hydrangea
Product Description: Everlasting Noblesse Hydrangea
Covered With Show-Stopping Blooms!
The morning sun shines through the trees as you step into the shady part of your garden. Clippers in hand, You’re just out to pick a few flowers for the vase on the breakfast table. The first shrub you come to is the newest one in your garden. You bought it on a whim, but, wow, how it’s grown! You pick one of the lovely blooms and realize that it is big enough to make your entire bouquet and your breakfast guests will think You’re a florist. You smile and head back inside. That was easy.
Everlasting Noblesse Hydrangea, Hydrangea macrophylla \’Hokomano’ PPAF, is the newest addition to the Dutch-born Everlasting Hydrangea line of shrubs and it excels with flower-power. In the peak of bloom it looks like it is all flower!
The large blossoms have hundreds of florets, each one snow-white tinged in celery-green and with a lovely violet \’eye’ in the center. Cold weather brings on a pinkish sheen. Altogether, these are garden stunners – very noble indeed.
The big mopheads are consistent bloomers that are great for containers, borders and cutting gardens. The stems are straight and strong and hold up the heavy flower heads without flopping or twisting. The flowers are long-lasting and very big, especially when the shrub itself stays smaller and neat.
Give Noblesse plenty of water, well-drained soil and some shade and it will reward you by growing quickly and easily. Don’t let another summer morning go by without this stunner in your garden.
- Perfect Cut Flower
- Blooms On New and Old Wood
- Easy To Grow Shade Shrub
- Season Long Color